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It is located about 11 km from Rangpur city.


There are several luxury AC and non-AC buses from Mohakhali, Kalyanpur, Mohammadpur and Gabtali in Dhaka to Rangpur. The fare of these buses is between Tk. 500 to Tk. 1000. Besides, the Rangpur Express from Kamalapur railway station leaves for Rangpur at 9 am every day except Monday. Train fare in Rangpur is 200 to 700 rupees. It will take 6 to 8 hours to reach Rangpur from Dhaka. The train will take 6 to 9 hours. There is a car service to go directly to Vinajagat from Rangpur. In this case, the fare of private car is 400 to 500 rupees and the fare of microbus is 800 to 1000 rupees. Besides, you can go to Vinajagat by car from Syedpur to Dinajpur. In that case you have to get off at the bus stand of Paglapi in Rangpur. Besides, you can go to Vinajagat by car from Rangpur to Jaldhaka. From there you can go to Vinajagat in 15 to 20 minutes by taking a battery powered easybike for 100 to 150 rupees.




Attractions of Vinajagat: Built privately on about 100 acres of land, this recreation center is constantly buzzing with the noise of different species of birds. Various species of birds can be seen in its trees. In the evening they return to their nests. Thousands of local and foreign trees are being decorated in Vinajagat. Here visitors can wander all day in the shade of trees. As soon as you cross the main gate of the Vinajagat, you will see an iron bridge in front of you. Once the bridge is crossed, it is as if another world is inside a Vinajagat.
Here are the wonders of the modern world and the country's first planetarium. Includes Robot Skrill Zone, Space Journey, Water Wave, Sea Paradise, Strange Cave, Boat Trip, Shapla Square, Sculpture of Birshreshtha and Language Soldiers, Walk Way, 3D Movie, Fly Helicopter, Merry Go Round, Lake Drive, Swimming Pool Fishing arrangements. At the same time there is a picnic arrangement for at least 500 individual groups. There are at least 8/900 car parking facilities inside only. There are 6 cottages. There is also a three star model Dream Palace. The water body here has the facility of navigating. There are statues of kangaroos, elephants, horses and other animals for children. There are various species of ornamental trees planted around the water bodies of Vinajagat. Every day, a lot of people from different parts of the country come here in buses, microbuses, motorcycles, rickshaws, autorickshaws and other vehicles. Farhana Kabir and Ahsan Kabir, a couple from Bogra who traveled to different parts of the world, said that everything from security to entertainment is better at this entertainment center than other entertainment centers in the north. There are all kinds of arrangements including living and eating in Vinajagat. Many people from Panchagarh and Natore said the same thing.

Security measures: Vinajagat have their own security measures. There are several officers and employees engaged in the security of the visitors.
Mostafa Kamal, the owner of Vinajagat, said that Vinajagat is the biggest entertainment center in the northern region. He said the responsibility for the safety of those who come to visit here lies with those who work here.

Entrance fee: Vinajagat entrance fee is 20 rupees. In addition, you have to pay 5 to 30 rupees for each ride inside.

Accommodation: There are various residential hotels in Rangpur. There are several sophisticated hotels here, including three stars. Rent from 300 to 5 thousand rupees. Mostafa Kamal, the owner of Vinajagat, said, "There is one palace for visitors, the rooms of which are state-of-the-art. There are arrangements for overnight stays and meals. ”Regarding prices, he said prices are taken according to the demand of the season.