Sadar upazila
Chandanpat UP
It is located at a place called Lahirihat in Sahabajpur Mauza of Chandanpat Union under Sadar Upazila of Rangpur District, about 9.00 km west of the Central Bus Terminal of Rangpur District. From the central bus terminal of Rangpur district, take a bus or rickshaw / van on the road to Parbatipur and go straight west to a place called Lahirihat about 9.00 km away.
On 6 May 1971, in front of various mosques in Nekarpara, Manoharpur and Barbari areas of the former Satgara Union under the Sadar Upazila of Rangpur District, on the occasion of the 12th Rabiul Awal, when the devout Muslims were cooking Sinni, the Pak invaders captured 32 people and took them to Lahiri. He lined up on the south-west bank of the pond which was dug by the indigo planters and brutally killed them at around 3.00 pm. From then on, almost every night, the Khan army of Rangpur Cantonment captured the freedom fighters and ordinary freedom-loving Bengalis from different parts of Rangpur district and carried out a massacre till 14/12/1971 AD. This place is now known as Lahirihat massacre ground. The freedom-loving students of the area built a memorial in 1982 to commemorate those who were martyred here.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS